How can we help your patients with temporomandibular disorder?
We have physical therapists who are qualified:
- Board certified specialists in orthopedics
- Residency trained in orthopedic manual physical therapy
- Continuing education in treating TMD
We can treat individuals with:
- Myalgia
- Arthralgia
- Disc displacement with reduction
- Degenerative joint disease
We will help to manage their symptoms:
- Pain
- Stiffness
- Difficulty chewing and/or talking
What will we do?
Perform a thorough evaluation consisting of:
- Red-flag screening
- Range of motion assessment
- Joint mobility assessment
- Muscle testing
- Trigger point assessment
- Assess relevant associated regions (e.g. cervical spine)
Provide evidence-based treatments:
- Therapeutic exercise
- Motor control exercise
- Joint mobilization techniques
- Soft tissue treatments
- Education on self-management strategies